Dalam dunia desain, inspirasi sangatlah penting untuk menciptakan karya-karya yang unik dan menarik. Terdapat banyak faktor yang dapat menjadi inspirasi, seperti warna-warna alam, bentuk-bentuk geometris, hingga pengalaman pribadi penulisnya. Kali ini, kami akan membahas mengenai inspirasi di balik beberapa desain yang menarik.

The Lanark Nuance Design

Wall covering inspirations

Karya desain yang pertama adalah desain dinding bernama Lanark Nuance. Desain dinding ini memiliki komposisi warna yang unik, yaitu perpaduan antara warna gold dan abu-abu.

Pada awalnya, desain dinding ini terinspirasi dari pemikiran untuk menciptakan seni yang dapat mengirim pesan positif dan menentramkan pikiran. Dalam mengeksekusinya, desainer menggunakan warna gold sebagai representasi dari cahaya, keberuntungan, dan prestise, sedangkan warna abu-abu dipilih sebagai representasi dari ketenangan, kebijaksanaan, dan solah batin. Perpaduan antara warna gold dan abu-abu ini menciptakan kesan yang mewah, elegan, dan menenangkan.

Desain dinding Lanark Nuance sendiri sangat cocok untuk diaplikasikan pada ruangan-ruangan bergaya luxurious, yang membutuhkan sentuhan akhir yang sempurna.

The Succulent Plants Design

Succulent plants inspirations

Kali ini, kita akan membahas mengenai desain yang terinspirasi dari alam, yaitu desain suculent plants atau tanaman sukulen. Desain ini dicirikan oleh penggunaan bentuk-bentuk tanaman yang khas, seperti kaktus atau lurik.

Di balik desain ini terdapat inspirasi dari sepasang pasangan muda yang menyukai tumbuhan sukulen. Tidak hanya itu, inspirasi juga bersumber dari keinginan untuk menciptakan desain yang menyatu dengan alam, walaupun terdapat dalam lingkungan urban yang padat. Dalam mengeksekusinya, desainer menggunakan bentuk-bentuk dasar tanaman sukulen, kemudian mengombinasikannya dengan warna-warni yang cerah seperti kuning atau hijau, agar terlihat lebih hidup.

Desain suculent plants sangat cocok untuk diaplikasikan pada ruangan-ruangan yang ingin menciptakan nuansa yang asri, seperti ruang tamu atau ruang makan.

The Necktie Designs

Necktie design inspirations

Karya desain terakhir yang akan kita bahas adalah desain necktie atau dasi leher. Desain necktie yang menarik pastinya akan memberikan kesan yang profesional dan elegan ketika dipakai.

Seperti dua desain sebelumnya, desain necktie juga memiliki inspirasi yang unik dan menarik. Desain necktie ini terinspirasi dari seorang wanita bernama Katherine Johnson, seorang matematikawan dan fisikawan yang memiliki sumbangan besar dalam program penerbangan Amerika Serikat. Motif pada necktie terdiri dari berbagai ikonik penerbangan, seperti gambar roket atau bintang.

Desain necktie Katherine Johnson ini sangat cocok untuk dipakai pada acara formal seperti konferensi atau acara pertemuan bisnis.


Berikut adalah beberapa pertanyaan yang sering ditanyakan mengenai inspirasi di balik desain:

1. Apakah inspirasi selalu diperoleh dari luar?

Sebagian besar desainer terinspirasi dari lingkungan sekitar atau pengalaman pribadi mereka. Namun, inspirasi juga dapat muncul dari dalam diri seseorang, seperti nilai-nilai yang dipegang atau kebiasaan sehari-hari.

2. Apakah setiap desain memiliki inspirasi yang sama?

Tidak, setiap desain memiliki inspirasi yang unik dan tersendiri. Inspirasi bisa datang dari berbagai macam sumber, seperti lingkungan sekitar, pengalaman pribadi, atau bahkan pemikiran yang muncul dari dalam diri seseorang.

Video Inspirasi Desain

Berikut adalah video inspirasi desain yang mungkin dapat membantu Anda untuk menemukan ide-ide kreatif untuk karya Anda.

Dalam kesimpulannya, inspirasi di balik desain sangatlah penting untuk menciptakan karya-karya yang unik, menarik, dan khas. Terdapat banyak sumber inspirasi yang dapat diambil dari lingkungan sekitar atau pengalaman pribadi, yang kemudian dapat dijadikan sebagai ide dasar untuk menciptakan sesuatu yang baru dan tidak monoton. Semoga informasi ini dapat menjadi inspirasi yang bermanfaat bagi Anda dalam menciptakan karya-karya yang menarik dan berbeda dari yang lain.

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Inspiration Behind The Necktie Designs | Inspiration, Katherine Johnson

Inspiration Behind the Necktie Designs | Inspiration, Katherine johnson

Photographic art is a type of visual works that displays beauty through photography works. In art genre, photographers utilize various techniques, illumination configurations, arrangements, and tones to produce stunning and uplifting photographs. Should you wish to possess exceptional and distinctive photographic works for your home or workplace, fine art photography services could be the ideal option for you.

In art photography, each photo communicates its own story and meaning that the artist wants to convey. These images can transport us to remote places and permit us to experience the splendor of nature and tradition around us. Moreover, art photography may also assist us grasp the stories and events which happen in the globe and instill principles that we may gain knowledge from such experiences.

If you are interested in having distinctive and meaningful artistic works, fine art photography services can aid you in attaining pleasing outcomes. Professional art photography services may help you in making high-quality images that express your distinctiveness. You may also select to have your images printed in several sizes and formats, such as canvas or photographic paper.

Don’t pass up on the chance to possess lovely and meaningful photographic works of beauty. Reach out to fine art photography services to produce distinctive and uplifting works of beauty. Obtain images that can improve the atmosphere of your space and make a lasting impression on your visitors. Never hesitate to get in touch with us for additional info about the art photography services we provide. Act immediately and achieve fulfilling consequences through availing skilled art photography solutions.

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New fashion design portfolio mood boards collage 48+ ideas | Fashion

Art photography is a type of visual works that shows beauty through photography works. In this genre, photographers utilize different methods, illumination settings, arrangements, and tones to produce amazing and uplifting images. Should you desire to own outstanding and unique photographic pieces for your home or office, fine art photography services might be the appropriate choice for you.

In art photography, every image conveys a unique narrative and message that the photographer aims to express. These images can take us to faraway locations and enable us to encounter the splendor of nature and tradition around us. Additionally, art photography may also help us grasp the stories and events which happen in the world and instill principles that we can gain knowledge from such experiences.

If you are interested in having unique and significant photographic works, fine art photography providers can assist you in attaining fulfilling outcomes. Professional fine art photography providers could help you in creating high-quality images that express your uniqueness. You could also choose to have your images printed in several sizes and media, such as art canvas or photo paper.

Don’t pass up on the chance to possess beautiful and significant photographic works of beauty. Get in touch with fine art photography services to produce unique and inspiring works of art. Obtain images that can improve the atmosphere of your room and leave a lasting impression on your guests. Do not be reluctant to reach out to us for additional info about the fine art photography services we offer. Take action immediately and enjoy pleasing results through availing expert art photography services.

Overall Design Style: Modern Inspiration Behind Design: A Couple With

Overall design style: Modern Inspiration behind design: A couple with

Fine art photography is an artistic expression through visual works that expresses beauty through photography works. In this field, artists use various methods, illumination configurations, arrangements, and tones to create breathtaking and uplifting photographs. If you wish to own remarkable and distinctive photographic works for your residence or office, fine art photography services may be the ideal choice for you.

In the world of photography, every photo communicates a own narrative and meaning that the artist wants to convey. These images may transport us to faraway locations and allow us to experience the splendor of the natural world and culture around us. Additionally, art photography may also help us grasp the tales and occurrences that happen in the world and instill values that we might gain knowledge from such experiences.

If you wish in having distinctive and valuable artistic works, art photography services can help you in obtaining fulfilling results. Professional art photography services could aid you in producing high-quality photographs that capture your distinctiveness. You may also choose to have your images printed in several dimensions and formats, such as art canvas or photographic paper.

Don’t pass up on the chance to have gorgeous and significant artistic works of beauty. Reach out to art photography providers to produce exclusive and uplifting works of beauty. Acquire images that can enhance the atmosphere of your space and make a profound impression on your guests. Don’t wait to contact us for more info about the fine art photography providers we supply. Make a move right away and enjoy fulfilling outcomes by availing skilled art photography solutions.

STIL INSPIRATION: Behind The Scenes… | Stil Inspiration


Photographic art is one form of visual works that shows beauty through photographic works. In art field, artists use a range of methods, lighting settings, arrangements, and colors to generate stunning and inspiring images. Should you desire to have outstanding and distinctive artistic works for your home or office, fine art photography services may be the perfect option for you.

In art photography, each picture conveys a distinct narrative and meaning that the photographer aims to share. These photographs may take us to remote places and allow us to encounter the splendor of nature and culture around us. Additionally, art photography can help us grasp the tales and occurrences which happen in the globe and impart values that we may gain knowledge from these experiences.

If you wish in having unique and valuable artistic works, art photography services can aid you in achieving satisfying results. Professional art photography providers can aid you in creating high-quality images that express your uniqueness. You may also select to have your images printed in various sizes and formats, such as art canvas or photo paper.

Don’t miss out on the chance to have lovely and valuable artistic works of art. Contact art photography providers to create distinctive and motivating works of art. Acquire images that can improve the ambiance of your space and make a profound impression on your guests. Do not wait to reach out to us for additional details about the fine art photography providers we supply. Take action right away and enjoy pleasing outcomes by availing expert art photography assistance.

The Inspiration Behind The Lanark Nuance Design. | Wall Coverings

The inspiration behind the Lanark Nuance design. | Wall coverings

Fine art photography is a type of visual works that expresses beauty through photography works. In this field, artists use different techniques, illumination settings, arrangements, and tones to create amazing and awe-inspiring photographs. Should you desire to own remarkable and unique photographic pieces for your home or workplace, fine art photography services could be the perfect choice for you.

In the world of photography, each image conveys a distinct story and message that the photographer wants to express. These images are able to bring us to distant locations and allow us to witness the splendor of the natural world and culture around us. Moreover, art photography could assist us grasp the tales and events that happen in the globe and instill values that we might learn from such experiences.

If you want in having unique and meaningful photographic works, fine art photography services can help you in attaining satisfying end products. Professional art photography services may help you in making high-quality photographs that embody your individuality. You could also opt to have your images printed in several dimensions and formats, such as canvas or photographic paper.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to have gorgeous and valuable artistic works of beauty. Get in touch with fine art photography providers to generate unique and motivating works of art. Obtain photographs that may improve the atmosphere of your space and make a profound impression on your guests. Never hesitate to contact us for further information about the art photography services we provide. Make a move immediately and achieve pleasing outcomes by availing skilled art photography assistance.